When many people picture themselves doing yoga, they think of a studio with mirrors, rows of mats and soothing music on the speakers. But the reality is that yoga can be practised anywhere and everywhere - especially during a global pandemic which has forced many gyms to shut for months at a time.
There are advantages to doing yoga in your own home as opposed to going out - there’s no journey time, you have no excuse whatsoever for not turning up and it’s impossible to be late to class. Plus when you’re done you can whip up a nourishing Innermost protein shake in your own kitchen to help your body recover and thrive.
Doing yoga in your own space can be a luxury rather than a chore, and that’s where YouTube comes in. Sorting through thousands of videos can be overwhelming, so we’ve done the legwork for you and compiled our favourite channels for the best YouTube yoga.

Yoga With Adriene
Adriene is the original and many would say the best YouTube yoga practitioner. With more than eight million subscribers, she’s down-to-earth and the kind of person you’d want to be friends with. Her motto is ‘find what feels good’, and the emphasis is on taking time for yourself and finding a practise which works for you. Videos range from beginners to advanced, covering every topic from ‘yoga for when you feel dead inside’ to ‘yoga for courage’. You can pick and choose according to your mood.
Yoga With Tim
One for when you want yoga that will leave you drenched in sweat rather than napping on the floor. The classes are around half an hour each and concentrate on the physicality of the practise. Tim is great at helping you self-adjust your poses. With a new video each week, you can attend his classes just as you do with your favourite in-person teacher.
Purple Valley Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga yoga is a style that links breath to movement and has a reputation as being quite intense. If you’re not sure if this is for you, Purple Valley Ashtanga Yoga is one of the best channels to start exploring this technique. Based out of a retreat in India, this yoga YouTube channel acts as a one-to-one class for viewers, and famous instructors such as Deepika Mehta and Kino Macgregor sometimes make appearances. You will also find wellness tips here, and videos on Ayurveda.
Body Positive Yoga
Yoga is truly for everyone, and Body Positive Yoga makes that clear. All shapes, sizes and levels of expertise are welcome here, and the channel has a focus on promoting a healthy relationship with one’s body, handling negative thoughts and developing self-compassion. Founder Amber Karnes uses props in her videos, but always offers household alternatives if you’re not kitted out to the max. Bring your happiest smile.
Faith Hunter
Many people love yoga because of its deeply calming, meditative properties. Faith Hunter is one of the best yoga YouTube channels for finding some inner peace. The videos tend towards the relaxing and restorative end of the activity, and Faith really focuses on nourishing your soul as well as your body. This is a great choice for early morning or bedtime yoga sessions.