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Our Five Top Tips To Selecting The Best Running Trainer For You

11th August 2022

11th August 2022

By Shivraj Bassi

You may be thinking, “oh, I only jog once or twice a week, I don’t need a specialist running shoe” or “my normal day-to-day trainers are as good as anything.” Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.

With the past year of lockdowns, gym-closures and pretty drastic lifestyle changes, more and more of us are turning to exercise to get ourselves out the house, bring some routine back to our lives and get ourselves into shape. As our way of life has changed and more conventional workout routes have become difficult to access – aka, gyms have all shut down and our takeaways have stayed open – many people have found staying active and keeping ourselves in shape increasingly difficult.

As a result – many of us have taken up running, which is great! However, a lot of people have started this exercise regime without the proper equipment, and this is something we need to combat. Many of us are put off by the sheer choice and sometimes, price, of specialist running shoes – but selecting the perfect running shoe for you isn’t as daunting as you may initially think. Finding a good pair of running shoes that suits your foot is key to ensure proper support and optimum performance.

But, where do we start? What are the best trainers for running?

Tip One - Do your market research

Please, please, please, don’t just go online and pick a pretty shoe that is on offer. There are a few things you need to think about first.

When selecting the best trainers for running, there are some key points you need to consider.

  • Motion Control
  • Adequate Cushioning
  • Stability
  • Lightweight Styles
  • Trail Type

Tip Two - Consider the shape of your foot

Determining the shape of your foot is a great way to work out what kind of shoe you need. The shape of your foot actually has a huge influence on your running style, and for this reason, is a great way to make sure you’re properly equipped for a great run.

When talking about ‘foot type’, generally, we are referring to your in-step, which is the part of your foot between your ball and the ankle.

A great way to find out the shape of your foot is to look at your current shoes and see where your running shoes are most worn. There are three types of foot:

Flat Foot

    As the name suggests, this means that when your foot is on the ground, there is no gap between your in-step and the floor.

    If you have this kind of foot, the best running shoes for you will have lots of cushioning to take the impact of the ground.

    Neutral Foot

      A neutral foot means that you place equal weight across your foot, and your arches are a normal pronator.

      If you have a neutral foot, the best running shoes for you will have adequate cushioning, a great range of motion and be light weight.


        If you have a high-arched foot, it’s important to get properly fitted running shoes to mitigate the risk of strain or injury.

        The best running shoes for someone with a high arch will have lots of cushioning and support. This is needed to protect your feet and prevent out-ward rolling of the foot.

        Tip Three - Ask for specialist advice

        It’s important to remember that when asking friends, family and even shop assistants for advice – everyone’s feet are different. Whilst one suggestion may be perfect for your friend, this exact shoe could be your absolute worst nightmare.

        Ask for recommendations, don’t pick the first shoe you come across, and really make sure to weigh up your options before committing to a pair – as a good pair of running shoes could cost you a fair price.

        Now, you may be thinking – “This all sounds a bit complicated for my liking…” and yes, we agree, finding the perfect running shoe can be a bit of a minefield. But, as the old saying goes – nothing worth having comes easy. So, if you’re still on the fence, outlining the benefits might make this a bit easier for you…

        • Reduces your risk of injury
        • Improved performance
        • Cost-effective

         Tip Four - Think about your workout

        One key mistake people make is the belief that one shoe will be fitting for all of your workouts. This isn’t the case, and a great way to think about it is to compare a shoe you would choose for weightlifting, vs one for running.

        When weightlifting, the main feature you are looking for is a flat sole, with grip and some weight. Many opt for a classic Converse shoe for this reason – as they are incredibly flat, providing a great surface to hold your centre of gravity.

        On the flip side, with running shoes – you want to go for the complete opposite. Lightweight, cushioned and not tight fitting is the way to go here.

        Tip Five - Go up a shoe size

        Whilst this goes against pretty much everything you know about buying yourself a pair of shoes, the best running trainers give you a bit of leeway. When trying on the trainers, ensure the tip of your toe isn’t touching the top of the shoe – a great way to do this is by going up a size.

        This is because when running, your feet move around and you need to ensure there is enough room in the running trainer for this to happen.


        If you’re into your running – or any exercise for that matter, we think it’s a really good idea to make sure you’re properly equipped for the job. Investing in yourself is investing in your performance – so it’s a no brainer to us!

        Our Suggestions

        As a starting point, you could even take a quiz to discover the best running shoe for you. Another great idea for beginners is to get a Gait Analysis.

        Check out brands such as ASICS and Brooks to grab some inspiration and see what’s out there – but make sure you don’t buy anything online. Go in store, get size checked and make your decision from there. We’re sure you’ll see a positive change in your running performance.  Happy running!

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        From Couch to 13.1k: How to Train For A Half Marathon As a Beginner
        It’s almost that time of the year again. With the long cold nights of January finally over and Autumn/spring on the horizon, we’re slowly approaching what we like to call ‘half marathon season’. A time that starts with signing up for an event and wondering how to put a training plan into place and ends with the sense of accomplishment and runner-high that is so unique to the sport. But this is assuming you’ve gone through this dance before. The question is how do you approach this distance if you’re new to running? Is it something that is even achievable in 15 weeks? While the short answer is of course! The longer answer? Read on! Below we’ve included our complete guide to the half marathon for those who are completely new to the distance, and event, or even to running itself. What’s more, our training plan details just how you can build up your fitness levels as a beginner from zero to race day ready. Why the half marathon? Before committing to running a half marathon, it’s important to ask and understand why you would want to run the 21.1k instead of a shorter 5k -10k or even a 42.2k marathon distance. While either of these options is definitely doable – whatever your ability – the half marathon provides the perfect middle ground in terms of distance. Something that is achievable within a reasonable timeframe and will provide a genuine challenge, but without needing days or weeks to recover. To seal the deal even further, a half marathon also has the benefits of: Improved health An effective half marathon training plan will see you do more than just run. It also includes strength training, endurance, flexibility and balance, keeping your whole body at tip top fitness and improving things like cardiovascular and general health Confidence boosting: As a runner myself, I can attest. There isn’t a feeling much better than setting a goal, going through the half marathon running plan and coming out at the end having smashed your distance target. It taught me that I can do almost anything if I put my mind to it. Social community: Whether you’re deep into training or at the event itself, the half marathon has such a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who you can share the experience with.  Half marathon training exercises To make your training a little easier, we’ve have outlined a list of workouts to complete as part of your training plan and their benefits on the body. Running endurance exercises No surprises, but your training should consist of plenty of running workouts of different intensities and approaches. Intuitive running workouts Intuitive Runs are all about listening to your body. There is no distance target, no pace goal and no pressure. It’s all about running at a conversational and comfortable pace (don’t fret if you have to start walking), offering a chill experience to build a positive relationship with running. This one is particularly good to experience with a friend or community of runners. Beginner runs As the name suggests, these beginner runs are where most training plans should start – especially for those who have never really been into running. These slower, conversational-paced runs are all about building up your aerobic capacity; initially starting at the slowest speed and with each run getting slightly faster. Interval running Interval (or intermittent) running exercises are just that – runs where you switch between high- and low-intensity pace at regular intervals. While more challenging than the beginner run, interval training has the benefit of increasing your body’s lactate threshold as well as improving running efficiency. In layman’s terms you’re training your body to use less energy at the same pace, allowing you to more comfortably sustain a pace during a half marathon run. Long distance runs Long-distance runs are the cornerstone to any half-marathon training plan. They help build your body’s endurance and are generally fantastic at building a runner's confidence for event day. It is however fundamental to get them right to avoid injury and burnout. Consistency: Improvement and injury avoidance is all about getting the right number of endurance runs in from day 1 to run day. Try and aim for 1 long-distance workout per week for the perfect balance. Building tolerance: If you’re just starting out on your running journey, you need to start slow and short and gradually build up pace and distance. Generally, your running plan should follow a “10% rule” where between runs, the distance is increased by no more than 10%.  Gear and nutrition: Nutrition - as well as what you wear – plays a major role in how your body performs on race day. Long runs are a great time to experiment with different protein shakes and gels that work for you – avoiding any surprises or other worries on the big day. Recovery: Stretching before and after, getting the right amount of sleep and eating the right foods are key to improving the recovery process. Again, try and get into a routine long before race day to avoid any unexpected impacts. Focused runs Focused runs allow you to tailor pace and distance to whatever it is you need to improve on. For instance, preparing for the hills of a half marathon? You might choose targeted incline runs one session and interval runs the next. Strength exercises Strength workouts should also play a part in your half-marathon training plan as unlike running workouts alone, trained muscles, improve running form, power, and stability, helping to reduce your chances of injury during the run. Don’t worry, we’ve included a few workouts that can be tailored to your ability - making them perfect for everyone from beginner to specialist. Lower body strength workouts Squats: To make the most of your squats, stand feet shoulder-width apart and lower your hips as if you're sitting in a chair. Keep your back straight, chest up, and knees tracking over your toes Lunges: Step forward with your right leg and lower your hips until both knees are bent at 90 degrees. Push back up to the starting position and repeat with your left leg. Glute bridges: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes at the top Core strength workout Planks: Start on your hands and knees, then lower onto your forearms. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the hold time as you get stronger. Dead bugs: Lie on your back with arms extended towards the ceiling and knees bent at 90 degrees. Lower your right arm and left leg simultaneously towards the floor, keeping your lower back pressed against the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left arm and right leg Bicycle crunches: Lie on your back with hands behind your head and knees bent. Bring the opposite elbow to the knee while extending the other leg. Upper body strength Push-ups: Start in a plank position and lower your chest towards the ground by bending your elbows. Push back up to the starting position Rows:  Pull a resistance band or dumbbells towards your chest, engaging your back muscles. Overhead press: Press dumbbells overhead, strengthening your shoulders. How long does it take to train for a half marathon? This is another question that beginners and professionals alike wonder to themselves. How much time should I give myself on my training plan to be 21k ready? While this can depend largely on the individual, for a beginner we would suggest giving yourself no less than 16 weeks training to allow for a gradual build up in fitness and reduce your chance of injury. What is a respectable half marathon time? It’s one of the most frequently asked half-marathon questions we get asked. “What is a good half marathon time?” Often quickly followed by “and what sort of training plan do I need to hit this target”. The answer is always the same – a good run time is entirely based on what you can achieve. Sure we can point out arbitrary time averages, but things like age, gender, experience, training background, injury history, and personal goals all play a significant role. If this is your first time taking part in the run then your main goal should be to cross the line, anything else you decide to aim for should be something you are realistically able to achieve. Time to get half marathon ready! So there you have it! You might not think it, but a half marathon is completely achievable in a smaller amount of time than you probably think, so why not consider signing up to your first today? For added energy, muscle growth and repair, why not consider one of our science backed protein powders such as The Fit Protein? Read more
        The Importance of Habit with La Pochette
        With intelligent design and environmental consciousness as a priority, La Pochette creates gym and travel accessories designed to be by your side no matter where your plans happen to be taking you - rather than hidden away in a gym locker for days. Read on to join La Pochette in exploring the importance of creating regular, manageable habits to assist busy lifestyles, and how to do just that. Creatures of Habit As humans, we’re creatures of habit.  Whether we realise it or not, we are what we repeatedly do, and it’s this we’re told that influences our ability to achieve life’s goals.  Conventional wisdom teaches us to ‘reach for the stars’ and ‘focus on the end goal’ to achieve results.  This is all well and good, but how do we actually get there?  Whilst our aim may be to possess the abs of Zendaya for example, we need to know how to get there. In his bestseller ‘Atomic Habits’, James Clear acknowledges the impact habits have on our achievements in life.  As creatures of habit, he states we can take ownership and structure our habits to enable us to reach our goals.  Whilst this may sound like a lot of work, the action or habit which helps us arrive at our goal can be small.  Research has proven it’s more likely we’ll stick to something if it’s ‘doable’, or a nudge, rather than a gargantuan chore.  After all, changes that seem small and insignificant compound to form consequential results over time. Health and Wellbeing  Dr Becky Gillaspy, a US based science and nutrition specialist, has taken this a step further.  Far from thinking about habits as predominantly bad or unyielding (Ed Sheeran!), Gillaspy talks about making habits work for you, particularly when it comes to health and wellbeing.  This is where brands like Innermost, and luxury lifestyle accessories brand La Pochette can help, providing solutions that make creating new and healthy habits effortless. Referencing Clear’s book, Gillaspy cites the example of a test group who wanted to increase their exercise levels.  Whilst the entire group were given material on the benefits of exercise, half were also asked to commit to planning when and where they were going to exercise.  In other words, they were asked to come up with a plan, or ‘how’ to achieve their end result.  In doing so, this group realised double the exercise time of the group who weren’t asked about their intent.  This is known as ‘Implementation Intent’, and improves the likelihood of following through on an intention or idea.   Making It Stick You might be thinking, this is great in theory, but how do we make it stick?  As Clear states, we need to ensure we make it easy by removing any potential barriers, and giving ourselves mental cues.  One way of doing this would be to pack your gym kit in your La Pochette Sweat Bag, or La Pochette Shoe Carry the night before a workout, and to leave that kit by the door ready to go.  Practical, water resistant, antibacterial and machine washable, both provide clever functionality without compromising on style.  Think about booking into a class ahead of time, and paying for it, making it far more likely you’ll attend.  Roping a friend in too means you’re more likely to commit and make it happen.  Keep your swim kit with you in the waterproof La Pochette Wet Bag, and squeeze in a swim session during your busy day knowing so are always ready to work out, no excuses. Behavioural change comes about when habits are not only easy, but also attractive and gratifying.  This gave rise to Vogue labelling the La Pochette brand as their ‘Gym Bag Hero’, because as well as being chic, the collection utilises sustainable materials.  The products themselves also enable sustainable practices, replacing single use plastic bags used post-workout or swim. Today’s hybrid living means multiple transitions throughout the day from offices to gyms, to our social lives, and with it the burden of carrying all the kit and equipment necessary to achieve that day. La Pochette provides intelligently designed, stylish, environmentally sound solutions to enable you to become a creature of good habit.  As renowned Philosopher and Sage Confucius once said, (and who better to take life lessons from), ‘All people are the same, only their habits differ”.  Let’s grab our bags, book that abs class and go…. To hear more about the La Pochette story, and to visit the shop, go to https://lapochette.co/   References Clear, J (2018) Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, Penguin Publishing Group, USA Dr Becky Gillaspy (2019) 2 Habit Hacks You Can Use to Exercise More | How To Stick To Habits Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed-8URqxyH0&t=154s (last accessed 16th May 2022)    Read more